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McBoat Waterline Communication 3/01/17

Writer's picture: mcboatmkemcboatmke

McBoat Waterline Communication 3/01/16

The holidays are long behind us and as boaters we have welcomed an unusually warm winter. I think I’m not alone thinking of summer days and time spent on the water. Speaking with Marina Manager Eric Lesch he mentioned the marina ice melting way early. Its late February and he has already set a launch ramp on the river.

The McBoat board has been meeting the 1st Thursday of every month working diligently with partners to ensure a better boating experience at our McKinley Marina. Again, our number one priority is reasonable Tenant Access during LMD closures. Please see the list we have posted on Please note while we are posting these dates as a convenience to be used for planning. The dates could change and we update any changes as they arise. On Thursday March 2nd, we will be meeting with the parks and Ethoplex the service provider for the marina internet. We hope to report back some promising plans for the 2017 working marina internet.

Last year we worked with the parks to install signage at each marina entrance for both safety and convenience. This year we solicited the county and parks to allow for safety ladders at the docks. While the parks agreeing to allow for safety ladders. They are reviewing the installation of proposed ladders and have opened a dialog of funding ideas. This initial review would look at a ladder in every other well. This has an estimate over $23,000 for just the ladder cost and did not include hardware or installation. A suggestion was made to have a McBoat install team use a CNC machined assembly jig used. We are dedicated to making sure this project does not increase tenant fees in any manner. Following this guideline serval funding ideas have arisen including, a 50% grant is being applied for through parks, some sort of a fund-raising drive and possible corporate donations. Each ladder is about $250. We certainly are interested in any suggestions you may have.

We have also implemented a Marina Safety Committee. This group will do a pre-opening Marina walk through and note any concerns and/or praise improvements. Next is our Marina Beautification Committee. Their first goal will be to establish planters inside the marina. The Social Committee is planning for another successful McBoat splash party just before the marina opens.

A few new highlights to mention are a McBoat Venetian Boat Parade. We are Planning this new event for August this summer with proceeds going to a charity. We are also pushing to Form an alliance with the McKinley basin partners sharing ideas, promoting each other and keeping an open line of communications between us. This includes the Sailing Center, Milwaukee Yacht Club and MAST.

I should also mention the New online marina / boating related sale posting at This is replacing the thumb tac board in the restrooms. It will be managed my McBoat. This will open that board for office al marina business postings only. We will be posting directions to the site soon.

We have been in contact with the DNR, Coast Guard, and police for updates and boating related information. We will be sharing some information and metrics collected on boating. At this time, we are busy Soliciting and printing the McKinley Marina directory and services guide. Again, please contact us should you want to include your business in this great asset for boaters.

I hope to be in contact with you soon with a mailer to ask for your $15 support in McBoat and to keep you posted on our activities aimed toward improving your marina experience.


McKinley Boat Owners Association


P.O. Box 837

Milwaukee, WI 53201


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McKinley Boat Owners Association Inc. a 501(c)4 non-profit organization

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